
Showing posts from December, 2021

What is Learning Management System?

If you are new to Online Learning you might be asking yourself what exactly an LMS is.   LMS is an acronym for a Learning Management System . If you're still not sure what a Learning Management System is no problem.   If you have ever taken an online class before you most likely have used an LMS and didn’t even know It Learning Management Software has been around since 1990 and is used by businesses as well as educational institutions these days If you want to give anyone online training or learning content. You will be using Learning Management Software to deliver very small organizations. That might prefer to email learning content to their staff or store it on a shared drive that everyone has access to and for some organizations. This will probably work for a little while but eventually, most businesses get to a point. Where do they need to start tracking Who has taken what training and who needs a specific training assigned to them that is where Lms Software comes in ...